Pincushion Hill Montessori School
Why Is Nature Important In Montessori?
Alison Petersen • Apr 12, 2024

“The land is where our roots are, the children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.”

-Dr. Maria Montessori

Spending time in nature is a fully integrated sensory experience. Watching the sunlight bounce off of trees as they sway in the wind, smelling the plants and flowers around you, hearing the leaves crunch under your feet, feeling the cold dirt in your hands, and sometimes even tasting the fresh vegetables or herbs from a garden. Engaging with nature grounds us and reminds us of our connection to the environment. Nature provides a powerful tool for nurturing young minds. 

Nature and natural materials are central to Montessori education, rooted in the principle of caring for the environment. There is an inherent order, harmony, and beauty in nature that is reflected in the Montessori philosophy. A primary way Montessori integrates nature is through the use of natural materials. This includes wooden materials, natural fabrics, wicker baskets, metal utensils, and glass vessels to name a few. Not only do these natural materials provide children with an integrated sensorial experience, but they also encourage a connection to the environment by putting children in touch with the real world in their everyday activities. 

In addition to prioritizing natural materials in the classroom, Montessori also emphasizes the value of teaching children to care for plants and animals. All of our Montessori classrooms include houseplants in which the children care for. Our community at Pincushion Hill Montessori School features a vegetable and flower garden which is a special outdoor space where the children come together to plant, tend, and reap the benefits of their hard work.

The children are responsible for watering the garden, weeding, planting seeds and and composting. Through the experience of caring for the plants and animals in the garden, children learn the connection between the earth and their food as well as respect for the smallest of creatures. Waiting for a garden to grow instills patience and responsibility in young children who are eager to see their seeds transform into food. You may be surprised to find the variety of tasks children are both excited to and capable of performing when it comes to caring for the natural world.

Whether at home or in the classroom, there are numerous benefits to integrating nature into your child’s day. Here are a few of our favorite ways:

  • Take a nature walk, with the intention of noticing or collecting elements like leaves, rocks, flowers, and other things that catch your child’s attention
  • Give your child a small houseplant to care for, teaching them the responsibility of checking on the leaves and soil to ensure the plant has enough light and water
  • Add a bird feeder to your outdoor space and invite your child to participate in filling the seed and watching for different types of birds to visit
  • Visit a botanical garden or zoo to explore plants and animals that you do not regularly see at home
  • Teach your child how to keep a nature journal where they draw pictures of what they notice in nature

Interested in seeing our outdoor gardens? Call today to schedule a visit.

Montessori in the kitchen
By Alison Petersen 10 May, 2024
Montessori education is most commonly associated with Montessori schools, but it's not limited to those four walls. Anyone – parents, caregivers, educators – can make a Montessori environment at home. While there's no manual for raising a child, there is one for creating an environment where any child can use their inherent ability to learn through the world around them. For over 100 years, parents have used the Montessori philosophy of education developed by Dr. Maria Montessori to help their children physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially explore their expanding world. Parents do not need to feel pressured to incorporate Montessori into every aspect of the home. Start with one area, and watch your child become independent and eager to be a contributing member of the family. Over time, add another area and then another. Below are some suggestions in how to incorporate Montessori philosophy and the prepared environment into different areas of your home. The Prepared Environment at Home The prepared environment for the child is not a concept that is exclusive to the classroom. You can take a few small steps to create a well-prepared Montessori environment in your own home that will foster a sense of independence and self-sufficiency within your child. In the Car Make sure you keep the inside of your car tidy and neat. Avoid having trash or leftover food lying around. Allow the child to buckle themselves up if they can. Play child-friendly music or classical music. In the Bedroom Select a bed that the child can easily access and encourage them to make their own bed. Select appropriate toys and place them on shelves that they can reach on their own. Encourage them to keep their room looking neat and beautiful. You can also put their clothing and shoes in a place where they can easily access them so that they can dress themselves. In the Kitchen Invest in some kitchen tools and utensils that are child-sized, so they easily fit in the child’s hands. Consider a kitchen ladder or stool so that the child can help you prepare meals. Use real plates and cups as opposed to cardboard or plastic ones. Have cleaning tools the child can use, so if they spill anything, they can tidy up after themselves. In the Playroom Utilize child-sized furniture. Arrange the room so that any artwork or shelves are at the eye level of the child. Have a table and chairs for them to do work. Try to focus on toys and materials made from wood and natural materials. Establish a rule that the child can use one toy or activity at a time, and then put it away neatly when finished. If you have a lot of toys, a good option is to rotate them, changing it up every now and then so that the child has choice, but isn’t overwhelmed. In the Bathroom Place a stool next to the sink and toilet so that the child can access them without assistance. Walk the child through a good hygiene routine and give them the space to do it on their own. Explain that they should take pride in being clean and neat. Encourage them to keep the bathroom clean. Outdoor Space Aim to have a place for your child to play outside if possible. Set up some child sized furniture or a safe play structure. Explain to them that it is important to be gentle with the nature around them, not to pull on leaves or flowers, instead to observe with their eyes. Gardening is a nice bonus, it’s a great sensorial activity, and the child will be able to observe nature at work and feel pride in keeping their garden beautiful.
By Alison Petersen 03 May, 2024
MYTH: Montessori Schools are all pretty standard Actually, since the Montessori name is not trademarked, there can be a wide variety of approaches within schools that call themselves Montessori. It is important to look for a school’s level of accreditation. The two primary accrediting bodies in the U.S. are Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), and American Montessori Society (AMS). Accrediting bodies offer varying levels of recognition in their membership for schools based on their adherence to Montessori principles. There are more important differences even between AMI and AMS oriented schools, so we highly recommend touring various Montessori schools to see the differences for yourself and find your own Montessori style. MYTH: Montessori students do whatever they please This myth derives from a misunderstanding of the term child-centered learning . It is true that Primary students enjoy freedom in what pieces of work they choose. This enables the child to choose the challenges about which they are most excited by, and to take advantage of “sensitive periods” in their learning, wherein they are driven to master a certain skill by repeating it again and again. The teachers are well trained, though, to spot the differences between a child mastering a skill through repetition and a child that wants to repeat tasks out of boredom or for lack of knowing what to do next. Students do not have the freedom to, say, eat snack all day or do nothing but talk to friends for two hours. Montessori teachers are called “guides” for a reason – they allow students the freedom of choosing their direction while ensuring they still reach the final destination. MYTH: Montessori students have to be quiet all the time We have heard other people repeat this myth, but since we’ve never seen an all-quiet Montessori classroom, we’re not sure where this myth comes from! While we do help children understand appropriate volume levels for different conversations and different environments as part of our grace and courtesy lessons, our classrooms are always buzzing with activity and conversation. MYTH: Montessori is all work and no play In her years working with children, Maria Montessori noticed that children developed a sense of peace and happiness when they were engaged in purposeful work. Of course, children do enjoy laughing, running, playing, and making friends. Luckily, we arrange our days to allow for all of those activities in addition to work time. The true test is to ask a Montessori child how they feel about school. Our students love to come to school and get to work. MYTH: Montessori is a style that is only useful for preschool aged children Our Primary graduates who move to first grade often find that they are well ahead of peers from traditional environments, in academics and maturity. However, Montessori benefits don’t stop at age 6. Our Elementary program fosters academic prowess, love of learning, responsibility, independence, and leadership. Elementary graduates excel at self-management, creative problem solving, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication skills.  MYTH: Montessori kids struggle to adapt to the structure of traditional schools Entering a traditional schooling environment where students sit still at desks and work on one subject at a time, as a full class, requires a brief transition period for Montessori children. Our alumni families report, however, that the transition is typically brief and is managed with great composure by our students. They have learned self-management skills and personal responsibility, so they are able to adapt well to new circumstances and different learning environments.
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